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Hebrew for Living Word.
Man does not live on bread alone, but on every Word that comes from the mouth of God. Matt 4:4
gives a overview of what we stand on combined with the teachings(
)you should get a better understanding of what we
are taught through Yahveh's Word.
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We have answered this question with Yahveh's Words see article
Are Christians Saved??? in
Here at Yah's Messianic Fellowship we use the Complete Jewish Bible.
The Complete Jewish Bible is the only English version of the Bible fully Jewish in style and presentation that includes both Tanakh ("Old Testament") and the B'rit Hadashah (New Covenant, "New Testament"). Even its title, the Complete Jewish Bible, challenges both Jews and Christians to see that the whole Bible is Jewish, the B'rit Hadashah as well as the Tanakh. Jews are challenged by the implication that without it the Tanakh is an incomplete Bible. Christians are challenged with the fact that they are joined to the Jewish people through faith in the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua - so that because Christianity can be rightly understood only from a Jewish perspective, anti-Semitism is condemned absolutely and forever. In short, the Complete Jewish Bible restores the Jewish unity of the Bible.
Some articles are done with KJV scripture references as most Concordances use KJV and we know not all have access to Hebrew or Greek when they first begin to search out the Truth of the Word of Yahveh.
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